Step 1
Tell us More!
Fill out the form below with as much detail as you can. Include the theme, colors of your event, number of guests you intend to serve, and more. Some other information often forgotten is what cake flavor you'd like, any allergies you have, and when the cake will be served. If you don't know everything just yet, that's okay! Provide us with as much detail as you can and we will help with the rest.
Step 2
Recieve Invoice
After we receive your cake form, someone from our team will reach out to finalize your cake details, and design. Once your cake details are finalized, you will receive a final invoice for payment. This gives you the opportunity to lock in your slot in our calendar and your order will be complete!
Step 3
Pick-up Your Creation and Enjoy!
Pick up your cake and enjoy! Remember to transport your desserts on a flat, cool surface. Do not transport any treats in an empty seat in your car or on your lap. The passenger floor or trunk may be the safest spot! Keep all items refrigerated until 4-6 hours before your event or serving of the cake. Finally, serve your cake to your guests and enjoy your event!